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Join my Reading Challenge Adventure

Updated: Dec 4, 2023

I have always loved reading, but I found myself always wondering what to read next as there are so many to choose from. I used to find an author I liked and would just read every book by them, never challenging myself to read anything different. To rectify this, I joined a book club and then I found myself reviewing books on line for others. A few years down the line I decided to join the two together so that is how apagebookclub was started.

Moving on I wanted to challenge my own reading. Try new authors and genres I hadn’t read before? To push myself to read something different, all the while having fun. SO I have devised a reading challenge for the forthcoming year.

What is the challenge?

48 Books in 12 months is an annual challenge made up of 48 unique prompts. Match one book to each prompt for a total of 48 books throughout the year. The goal is to try new authors or genres, push us to read more, read differently, and most importantly… to have fun! What it is not meant to do is make you feel that you have failed if you do not read all of the books in the year so I have placed the books into monthly challenges, there are four books in each month, and you can choose to read one book in that month or any number up to the four. Each way we will all be reading something different.

How does it work?

1. Follow me apagebookclub on social media. You can find me on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.

2. Using the list below, match one book to each of the 48 prompts. (48 books total.) Get as creative as you like with interpreting the prompts!

3. When January 1, 2023 rolls around, start reading!

4. Once you’ve finished one of the prompts, check it off the list and share your read! The Facebook group is our most popular spot for posting your recent 48 apagebookclub reads. When sharing on other social media sites like Instagram or Pinterest, don’t forget to use the hashtag #apagebookclub2023 and #apagebookclub. This helps me find everyone!

5. How often you share is up to you! You can share after every read, share all of your reads at the end of the month, or even just at the end of the year! Some participants chose to track their reads privately and simply follow along in the groups to find amazing recommendations. If you want to please share your review of the book as well. How you decide to participate is up to you. I’m just glad you’re here!

Other helpful reminders:

· You can complete the list in any order. You can also interpret the prompts as creatively as you like, using any format of reading, and any author or genre that you feel fits the prompt.

· Remember that the challenge doesn’t officially begin until January 1, 2023! (I have just released it early so you have time to plan and invite friends!)

· Ready to see what 2023 holds in store? Let’s check out the new challenge!!


¨ 1 Domestic fiction

¨ 2. One word in the title

¨ 3. Author who shares your name

¨ 4. Book you have borrowed


¨ 5. Romantic fiction

¨ 6. With tech on the cover

¨ 7. Local author

¨ 8. Released the year you were born


¨ 9. Crime fiction

¨ 10. Featuring library or bookshop

¨ 11. Author you have never read

¨ 12. Classic you have avoided reading


¨ 13. Young adult

¨ 14. Book picked based o the front cover

¨ 15. Author you love

¨ 16. Book you own but have not read


¨ 17. Thriller

¨ 18. Favorite colour in the title

¨ 19. Author you have never heard of

¨ 20. Book under 300 pages long


¨ 21. Psychological fiction

¨ 22. About royalty

¨ 23. Author recommended to you

¨ 24. Over 500 pages long


¨ 25. Family drama

¨ 26. About a pandemic

¨ 27. Bestselling author in 2022

¨ 28. Recommended by a family member


¨ 29. Science fiction

¨ 30. Direction in title

¨ 31. Author written a series

¨ 32. Book you wanted to re-read


¨ 33. Suspense

¨ 34. Chapters have titles

¨ 35. Author who has won an award for a book

¨ 36. Book found via #bookstagram


¨ 37. Murder Mystery

¨ 38. Involving the Art World

¨ 39. Author who has written a classic you have avoided

¨ 40. Spooky book


¨ 41. Fantasy

¨ 42. Set in a rural area

¨ 43. Author who writes under a Pseudonym

¨ 44. Winner of a National Book award


¨ 45. Historical fiction

¨ 46. Animal as a main character

¨ 47. Author who has a book turned into a movie

¨ 48. Book released this year

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1 Comment

Dec 20, 2022

Not sure I could do 48! However I want to read more next year, as I always find such pleasure in doing so! So will aim to pick one of the list!

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