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Introducing My Reading Challenge for 2024


This is my 2nd year of embarking on a Reading Challenge. I have thought long and hard about what that would look like. Last year I chose 48 headings and chose books based around those headings. It proved to be a literary journey like no other!

So, this year I wanted to try to fulfil a different Reading Challenge and I'm thrilled to unveil my next reading adventure—a challenge that takes me through the alphabet, one captivating book at a time. From A to Z, each letter I am hoping will guide me to diverse and delightful tales, expanding my literary horizons and introducing me to authors and genres I may have overlooked.

I would like you to all join me on this alphabetical odyssey as I explore the vast landscape of literature together.

Whether it's a classic I’ve been meaning to read or a hidden gem waiting to be discovered, this challenge promises a year filled with literary surprises and enriching stories.

There are different ways to identify the books the choice is up to you, either way I am sure it will expand your reading horizon beyond what you are already reading, the challenge can be done in a variety of ways.

A-Z Reading Challenge by Book Title

Planning an A-Z reading challenge based on the title of a book can be a great way to explore different genres, authors, and formats–or to limit your selections within one of those areas.


It’s up to you how strict you want to be; will titles that start with words like “A” or “The” count as “A” or “T” books, or will you allow the first letter of the second word to count when you build your list of books? Do you have to read your books in alphabetical order or can you mix them up?

Ultimately, the alphabet is just a guide for your reading. It’s your challenge; you make the rules, and you get to decide how it works.

A-Z Reading Challenge by Author

Always reading the same authors? Maybe you should structure your A-Z reading challenge so you’re reading at least 26 different authors–each with a name that starts with one letter of the alphabet.

Challenge yourself to read authors that are completely new to you. By December 31st, you will have tried out 26 new-to-you authors–and maybe found some new favourites.

A-Z Reading Challenge by Topic

Maybe you’re looking to read a wide variety of topics. Building your A-Z book challenge by topic will ensure that you read books that cover 26 different subjects.

Structuring your challenge by topic will require you to do a bit more research on the books you choose–the topics covered in books are not always obvious, especially if they’re fiction. Historical Fiction is a great genre to read from if you’re reading by topic, but any genre could work if you do a little digging.

Non Fiction obviously give you a whole range of general topics to choose from and slot into each letter of the alphabet, but you could niche down your reading choices even further and focus on only memoirs or biographies–using the names of people you read about as your guide.


Are you ready to dive into the ABCs of reading? Let the adventure begin!

You can get the Reading Challenge Cribsheet from the link at the bottom of my book blog.

To enable me to find your posts use the hashtag #apagebookclubatozreadingchallenge

If you would like to contact me, you can via email at or via instagram at



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