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It’s International Joke Day 1st July- Funny Books A Plenty

Updated: Dec 13, 2023

A Jocular Journey: Exploring the World of Humour on International Joke Day

I thought I had to celebrate International Joke Day today with a funny book. Where would any of us be without jokes and laughter to brighten our spirits? It can help any situation. Today, is all about getting a grin out of your best friend, sharing a laugh on social media, and appreciating the comedians who have left us in stitches for decades.

My choice for a fun filled book is The Secret Diary of Hendrick Groen 83 ¼ years old,

What book makes you laugh out loud? Let me know in the comments.

Love Alis X

Title: The Secret Diary of Hendrick Groen 83 ¼ Years Old

Author: Hendrick Groen

Genre: Humour, Diary

Publisher: Penguin

Publishing Date: 2017

Star Rating: 3*** I liked it, it’s OK

About Book: Meet Hendrik Groen. An octogenarian in a care home who has no intention of doing what he's told, or dying quietly. To that end, he creates the Old-But-Not-Dead Club and with his fellow members sets about living his final years with careless abandon. Such anarchism infuriates the care home director but pleases Eefje, the woman who makes Hendrik's frail heart palpitate. If it's never too late to have fun, then can it ever be too late to meet the love of your life?

My Thoughts: I chose this book as it is International Joke day 1st July and I wanted to read something funny. The book was a little slow to start with. However, it is well a well written diary written through the world of Hendrick Groen, the self-proclaimed "old as dirt and twice as charming" protagonist who is 83 1/4 Years Old." This book is a delightful journey through the ups and downs of aging, packed with wit, wisdom, and just the right amount of cheekiness. Groen makes fun of himself and his neighbours in a funny and sympathetic way. It feels no different from a care home experience in the UK. MY favourite character was Eefje, she brought light, shade and laughter and friendship to the care home once she moved in. There are some very funny moments, along with poignant and sad. Hendrick does find humour in life's most mundane moments, like his battle with technology or his struggles with modern-day trends. It's refreshing to see someone embrace their age with such gusto and use it as a vehicle for laughter. I did not find the book a laugh out loud experience, but it is worth a read. You won't regret it especially on International Joke day.

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