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January's Exquisite Book of the Month: A Captivating Review and Must-Read Recommendation

Updated: Dec 7, 2023

The book of the month is all about taking me out of my comfort zone and reading something I would not normally have chosen. Letting someone else choose what you read next.

The choice for my January 2023 Book of the Month was The Woman in the White Kimono by Ana Johns, and it is a book I would definitely not normally have chosen but so glad I did get to read it.

Let me know what your Book of the Month is and what you thought of it? Have you read The Woman in the White Kimono? What did you think of it? All thoughts are welcomed.

Love Alis

Title: The Woman in the White Kimono

Author: Ana Johns

Genre: Historical, Domestic

Publisher: Legend Press

Date of Publication: 2019

Format: Paperback that I purchased

My Rating: 4**** I liked it a lot and recommend

About book: Japan, 1957. Seventeen-year-old Naoko Nakamura’s prearranged marriage secures her family’s status in their traditional Japanese community. However, Naoko has fallen for an American sailor and to marry him would bring great shame upon her entire family. When it’s learned Naoko carries the sailor’s child, she’s cast out in disgrace and forced to make unimaginable choices with consequences that will ripple across generations.

America, present day. Tori Kovač, caring for her dying father, finds a letter containing a shocking revelation. Setting out to learn the truth, Tori’s journey leads her to a remote seaside village in Japan where she must confront the demons of the past to pave a way for redemption.

My thoughts: An intriguing book right from the start. A feast of description that allows you to move through the pages with ease and wonder, as if you are there with them, looking on from the side-lines. The Japanese descriptions of culture and traditions are exquisite. The book moves between the two eras seamlessly. I really enjoyed the stories the father told to the daughter in the present day, and it was interesting later with her trying to piece things together. The descriptions made the book feel real and intimate

The book expertly directed between the two eras continued throughout the book, and I found myself wanting to know more to find out the truth of what happened. A true page turner full of emotion.

I loved the quote “To pick the correct one is fate, To pick the wrong one is also fate. So, you must choose your love, and be prepared to love your choice.”


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