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Unleashing Creativity: Inspiring Blog Ideas for Your Book Blog!

Alis Page

Calling all fellow book bloggers and literary enthusiasts! Are you feeling the writer's block blues when it comes to your book blog? Fret not, because I’m here to spark your creativity and reignite your passion for sharing the love of literature. In this post, I've curated captivating blog ideas tailored to elevate your book blog game. From unique review formats to engaging themed series, let's explore the world of limitless possibilities and make your book blog an irresistible haven for bookworms. Ready to embark on a journey of literary inspiration? Let's dive in!

As ever please let me know if any of these ideas piqued your interest.

Love Alis x


Here are some of the ideas that are on my list, these are not exhaustive and you may find as your book blog grows that more ideas come to you.

Please have fun with these ideas and feel free to use them.

1.    My favourite {insert genre here} books of all time

People often have a certain genre they love most. They’ll love to read your favourite books in this genre. This is one I am hoping to do soon.

2.     Books you would purchase based on the front cover

This is one I’m hoping to do soon. Some books have absolutely stunning front covers. Also – people love aesthetically pleasing front-covers. I for one have bought lots of my books based solely on the front cover.

3.     Books that surprised me the most

Oddly people are obsessed with knowing what surprises strangers. Also, if they’re avid book fans, they want to see if the book that surprised them is also on your list of books that surprised you.

4.     My favourite authors of all time

As you read more and more books you begin to get favourite authors. You realise that no matter what they put out, the way they write or the way they structure novels is going to pull you in every time.

5.     Books that feature the best villains

I love a good mystery and knowing if the villain I’ve just read about really is as evil or scary as I thought they were is sometimes crucial for some people. Therefore, having a list that includes them would make that reader very happy.

6.     The scariest books I’ve ever read

I am not a big fan of horror myself, but I have opened up to the genre this last year. But some people love to know what scares people and so writing a list of the scariest books you’ve ever read will appeal to their inner evil. Also, they may like getting scared themselves so these will be good reads.

7.     Tips to monetise your book blog

A huge part of blogging these days is trying to monetise it. People want understand how to start doing that.

8.     Tips to get out of that reading slump

Maybe someone is on your blog to help them fall back in love with reading again. Well, why not give them tips on how to get out of this reading slump? 

9.     10 thoughts I had whilst reading {insert book here}

Did a certain book leave an impression on you? If the book is doing really well at the moment, why not create content around that specific book? It’s a great idea to keep people reading whilst they’re still interested in the world/story they’ve just read.

10.  How I decide what I’m going to read next

You’ll be surprised how many questions I get from people as to what I’m going to read next and how I decide upon this. Why not let people know your technique for what you’re going to read next.

11.  The 10 best TV shows based on books

Bring a different audience over to read your articles. If people are interested in TV Shows, they may well be interested in reading the book that it’s based on. Alternatively, some people may find TV Shows of books they’ve already read this way. Obviously, it doesn’t have to be ten. Maybe limit it to the number of books you’ve also done reviews on.

12.  The 10 best films based on books

Same as above but for films (or movies if you’re American).

13.  Physical vs digital books – which is better?

Oooh, controversial. Which format do you think is better? Physical books or digital books? Do you prefer the feel of paper or the convenience and cost-saving of a Kindle? Let people know

14.  The TV Series or the Book? Which is better?

So once you’ve compiled your list of TV Series based on books from above. You can then go through and decide the TV series that ended up being better than the book (cough Shadow and Bone) or vice versa.

15.  Tips on how to use Goodreads

Goodreads is a HUGE platform (which you should follow me on) for book readers and is (despite the controversy) the biggest platform for reviews, book tracking and interacting with other word-loving nerds. Giving people deeper tips on how to use some of its best features could be very beneficial to many people.

16.  How to write good book reviews

I will never be able to write this as my book reviews are sub-par at best. They’re not there to offer people to top-of-the-line review, they’re there to give people an easy-to-read, simplified summary of my opinions of a book. I hope that’s how you see them too? Anyway, you may be a good writer or a good book reviewer and can offer people tips on bettering their reviews.

17.  The best gifts for book lovers that aren’t books

So you’ve got a friend or a sibling and they love books but you’re not sure what books to get them or they simply have them all. Why not get them some accessories that’ll accompany their book obsession? I love a good bookish present.

18.  If you loved {insert book here} you’ll love…

If you’ve just finished a book and want to delve into something very similar, providing these sorts of posts for people will give them other options they may not have considered.

19.  My favourite characters of all time

In a similar vein to the best villains article above, why not let people know the best characters you’ve ever read. You can also then link to the reviews of the books these characters feature in that you’ve written or any article related to the book/character.

20.  The best book quotes of all time

We love books because of how they’re written. Therefore, there are sometimes certain lines that characters say or sentences that are written that we think are so profound that we need to jot them down. Why not share the quotes you’ve loved from books with others. I keep a list during the year from the books I have read.

 Book Reviews

The most obvious type of post for a book blogger to produce is, of course, a book review. This is where most book bloggers start and sharing reviews of what you’re reading is an easy way to keep track of your reading.

  • Series Reviews

A slightly less common post, but one I am always interested in, is whole series reviews. I don’t want to dive into thousands of pages of a series, if the series is going to turn into an absolute car crash in book 4. I want to know that the series I’m about to invest my time in is worth that time and a series review can be a great way for readers to find that out.

  • Review of a book to film adaptation

Most film content being produced is a sequel or an adaptation so there’s always something to talk about here. Why not share your thoughts on a recent book to film adaptation and whether you think it was well interpreted by the film producers?

Personal Posts & Favourites

  • Your favourite books of all time

A great introductory post on any book blog is simply a list of your very favourite books. It can help your readers get to know more about you and what type of books to expect to see on your blog in the future.

  • Your auto-buy authors

There are some authors whose names we see on a cover and instantly know that we want to read that book. Without even having read the blurb, we sense this book is going to be great. These are known as “auto-buy” authors. For me, it’s Alis Hawkins, Jeffrey Archer, Scott Mariani and Estelle Ryan. Which authors will you always buy?

  • Your favourite characters

People often talk about their favourite books – but what about your favourite characters? There are some book characters that we just really wish we could meet in real life or even befriend. Have a little think and see who you come up with.

  • Your favourite book quotes

If you’re the kind of person who notes down your favourite book quotes (or even underlines them in the book itself!) then you’ve probably got a bank of your favourite book quotes that you always come back. Share these with your readers!

  • Your favourite genre and why

Often we’ll gravitate towards books in the same genre time and time again. I consider myself to be a pretty diverse reader in that I will pick up literally any book as long as it sounds interesting to me but I still have my favourites: young adult fantasy, fluffy romance, and personal development books.

  • Your childhood favourites

Most book bloggers have been avid readers from a young age so why not share the books that turned you into the voracious reader you are today?

  • Your favourite book bloggers

The book community is one of the loveliest there is on the internet and generally, people are very supportive of other people’s posts and work. Make your favourite book bloggers’ days by giving them a shout out in a blog post all about your favourite fellow book bloggers.

  • Your favourite bookstagrammers/booktokers/booktubers

As above, your favourite bookish people on social media will also be very grateful for any spotlights on their accounts!

  • Your favourite reading spots

Whether it’s curled up in bed or in a quiet cafe, we’ve all got our preferences for where we feel most comfortable reading. I personally prefer to stay at home but if I’m out and about and have some time to kill then I also enjoy sitting in an aesthetic cafe – even better if it’s a book cafe!

  • Prettiest book covers of all time

Whoever said never judge a book by its cover clearly had never encountered bookstagram. Bookstagram is the word for the book community on Instagram where people often share their most aesthetic covers and reads. Share some of the prettiest covers in your own collection or perhaps books that you bought entirely for the cover! Follow me @alisbookstagram_ for inspiration.

  • Reading challenge updates

If you’re the kind of person who sets themselves a reading goal each year or likes to participate in specific book challenges and readathons then this is a great way for you to keep track and share your reading updates with your followers.

  • Take us on a bookshelf tour

If you’re anything like me then you love nosing around other people’s bookshelves to see what books they’ve decided are worthy of being kept and how they organise them. Show us your bookshelves!

  • Share your reading routine

A lot of book bloggers have reading habits that they’ve developed over time. If you’ve got a particular reading routine or tips for how you read the amount you do then share it with your curious readers.

Discussion Posts

  • Book vs film/TV discussion

Books vs films is an age-old argument but one that’s still worth sharing your own opinion on. I find most film adaptations of books I’ve already read and loved to fall short but there are definitely some films and TV shows that manage to trump the original work. You could have a generic discussion about this or compare a specific book to film adaptation you’ve seen.

  • Book vs audiobook discussion

Another heated debate amongst bookworms is books vs audiobooks. Do audiobooks count as “reading”? Some would say no but I fervently believe the opposite. Share your own opinion and have a discussion about it with your readers!

  • What you think about a particular publishing trend

Beyond book tropes there are also trends in book publishing so you’ll see a wave of similar titles hit shelves in the same period. For example, we’ve recently seen a wave of feminist retellings of Greek myths. Have you spotted a recent trend? What do you think of it?



  • Monthly TBR lists

If you’re the kind of person that plans what book they’re going to read each month then an easy book blog post idea is an article all about your monthly TBR pile.

  • Monthly/Yearly wrap up posts

Likewise, at the end of each month (and year) you can share how you got on with your TBR list and share your thoughts on the best and worst of the books you’ve read that month.

  • Recent book haul

Everyone loves a good book haul. If you’ve recently been on a book buying spree, share your latest book haul with your readers.

  • Books you’ve bought but not read yet

If your book buying addiction has gotten out of hand (like mine) then you may have loads of unread books on your shelves. You could write a post sharing all the books you’ve bought but haven’t read yet on your shelves. For me, this would be an incredibly long post as I’ve got about lots…

  • Upcoming book releases you’re looking forward to

If you’re the kind of person who is on top of all the latest releases and when they’re coming out then share a list of your most anticipated reads with your readers so they can be in the know too!

  • Best books by a certain author

If you’re a superfan of a certain author and have read loads of their books, you can share a list of your favourites and recommend which ones readers should start with.

  • Best books in a certain genre

Likewise, if you’re an avid reader in one particular genre, you can share what you think are the very best books in that genre.

  • Books set in a certain country

I’m an avid literary traveller and love to read books set in the country I’m travelling to next. I’ll always look up book recommendations from native authors too. If you’ve got an obsession with a particular destination and have read lots of books set in that location then you’ll have plenty of fodder for a post like this.

  • Book recommendations based on books you’ve enjoyed

Often when readers finish a book that you absolutely loved, they go looking for similar books so they can replicate those same feelings. Why not take a book you’ve loved and share some recommendations for what to read next.

  • Seasonal recommendations

Some readers choose their books depending on the season i.e. beach reads int he summer, spooky reads at Halloween and Christmas books in the winter. A seasonal book list always goes down well if you publish just as people are looking for those kinds of reads.


Book Accessories

  • Your reading essentials

Bookworms need little more than the actual book to absorb themselves for a few hours but there are definitely a lot of fun reading accessories out there that can help improve the experience. Got a favourite bookmark, book sleeve, book mug or book light? Share your favourites with your readers.

  • Your favourite book subscription boxes

Book subscription boxes are all the rage and lots of book bloggers and bookstagrammers subscribe to them for monthly surprises. If you’re subscribed to any, share a review of it. Or, if you’re subscribed to lots of them, share a list of your favourites!

  • Gift ideas for book lovers

It’s easy to know what to buy a book lover. More books! But there are also lots of other things to gift a bookworm such as book sleeves, posters, figurines, special editions etc. Write a list of some ideas for gifts that you’ve had (which, let’s be honest, will basically be your own wishlist).

I hope this list of easy book blog post ideas has helped inspire your next post. If it has, drop me a comment through the blog. Or you can contact me via email at or via instagram at


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